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Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery

Beauty is a state of interior comfort and a harmonious appearance.

3 Reasons to choose the Clinic “ALTER-MED”:
We are a team promoting health, beauty and youth that provide high quality Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery services!
The beauty of the human body is a representative image, and our Clinic with the best specialists and rejuvenation technologies will meet your expectations.
Values ​​
1. Performance - in the Clinic are activated the best specialists in the field of aesthetics.
2. Innovation - we always implement new technologies.
3. Individual approach - each patient is treated as needed.
4. Confidentiality - all information is confidential.
5. Social responsibility - we show care for the health of the population through social campaigns.

True devotion to beauty

Polyvalent Beauty Clinic that provides the consultation and assistance services in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, aesthetic gynaecology, dermatology, dermato-cosmetology, phlebology, allergology, orthopaedics, vertebrology, anaesthesiology and intensive therapy, has the inpatient department with 10 beds.


colectiv-site Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică
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Online application

We provide services and consultancy in several domains

Surgery Department

chirurgia_estetica Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie PlasticăAesthetic surgery is a branch of plastic surgery that aims to improve the aesthetic aspect of the human body and includes in itself the correction of congenital or acquired deficiencies and correction of aging signs.

Other directions


dermatologie Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

Dermatological consultation includes examination of the affections of skin, hair, nails, indication of analyses necessary for determination of diagnosis, prescription of treatment.


dermatologia-cosmetica Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

Derma-cosmetologist consults the patient for the purpose of the improvement of the appearance of facial skin, draws up a treatment plan, performs minimally-invasive procedures at the level of facial skin, prescribes dermato-cosmetological treatment


flebologie Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

Phlebologist identifies and treats venous system diseases. Scleroses the veins, performs venectomies.


vertebrologie Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

Orthopaedist-vertebrologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies of vertebral column, joints, bone system, performs manual therapy, blockages at the level of vertebral column , intra-articular injections.


alergolog Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

Allergologist-immunologist identifies and treats allergies and diseases of the immune system, indicates the analyses necessary for establishment of correct diagnosis, prescribes the treatment.


flebologie Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

The phlebologist is a specialist in diseases of the venous system, in the recognition and treatment of vascular conditions, especially varicose veins and spider veins in the lower limbs.

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Better doctors. Better treatment.

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Alter-MED - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică