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  3. Saphenectomy



Saphenectomy is indicated in case of venous insufficiency that is manifested by oedemas and pains in the lower limbs and the unesthetic appearance of veins.

The vein is removed and the circulation continues in the normal manner.

It is recommended for the patients suffering from:

  • Varicose disease – caused by chronic venous insufficiency that leads to the appearance of varicose veins along the veins.

Conduct and side effects:

  • Saphenectomy uses generally the technique called “stripping” that requires a general or spinal anaesthesia. It is a benign intervention that can be performed on the outpatient basis (without hospitalization) or on the inpatient basis.

After the incision of the superficial tissues, saphenous vein is sectioned at both ends. Through the lower incision, a special thread is inserted through the vein, with the help of which it is extracted through the upper incision.

Recovery period implies possible mild postoperative pains, the patient can move independently after the operation. Some haematomas may occur.

It is recommended to wear a special bandage.


  • The result of saphenectomy is visible immediately and over time. Additionally, the doctor can recommend the procedures of superficial vessels sclerosing with the help of the Vascular laser.


Price 1000-1500 euros (according to the BNM exchange rate)

Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery Alter-MED. For the appointments or additional information about the clinic and our services, call 022 58 98 22 or 069 771 117.

Saphenectomy - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică