Mesotherapy – the introduction of a “cocktail” of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, natural plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, lipolytic substances (which burn fats) for the purpose of rejuvenation, treatment of spots, lipolysis, treatment of hair loss.
- The doctor with the help of thin needles injects a small amount of active substances into certain areas, depending on the problem to be treated.
- The main indications for mesotherapy are:
- skin aging, wrinkles, loss of the elasticity and tone of the skin, dry, devoid of shining skin,
- pigmented spots
- cellulite, double chin, burning of localized fats
- hair loss
- under-eye circles
- At the end of the procedure it is applied a soothing alginate mask.
- The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.
Messotherapy – the price varies depending on the product used (60-120 euros, according to the BNM exchange rate)
- The procedure is performed by the advanced practice doctor dermato-cosmetologist.
- At the consultation the doctor will establish the plan of dermato-cosmetological treatment, will provide information on the correct skin care.
For appointment call 022 58 98 22