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Mastopexy (breast lifting)

mastopexie Mastopexy (mammary lifting) - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică

Mastopexy (breast lifting) is a surgical procedure that lifts and reconstructs the breast with the help of its own tissues.

  • Method consists of: chest lifting, removal of excessive skin,
  • repositioning of mammary glands and areola in such a way as to obtain a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

If you have a small breast or it decreased in volume, the intervention can be combined with the introduction of breast implants.

  • Anaesthesia: general.
  • Inpatient facility: 2 nights after the intervention.
  • Preoperative preparation: a standard set of investigations for general anaesthesia.
  • Recovery: 4 weeks.
  • Post-operative recommendations: wearing of bustier, stage bandage, limitation of physical efforts that are associated with the musculature of the given area.


  • The fineness of the execution of surgical action reduces to minimum the visualization of postoperative scars.
  • The surgeon will monitor the patient after intervention for 1 year.
  • The price is determined during the first consultation individually.


Mastopexy (breast lifting) 2500-3500 euros (according to the BNM exchange rate)

Mastopexy + implant: 5000 euros (according to the BNM exchange rate)

For appointment call 022 58 98 22

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Mastopexy (mammary lifting) - Clinica de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică